Person seeking service
The Parties
The Provider
Think Well Hypnotherapy
Phone 0413 558 160
ABN 34 942 379 914
The Agreement
The NDIS and this Agreement
This Service Agreement is made for the purpose of providing supports under the participant’s NDIS plan. The parties agree that this Service Agreement is made in the context of the NDIS, which is a scheme that aims to:
support the independence and social and economic participation of people with disability, and
enable people with a disability to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals and the planning and delivery of their supports.
The NDIS and this Agreement
As per the NDIS Price Guide, the provider agrees to provide the participant:
The supports and their prices are set out in the above Schedule of Supports and are subject to change as per the NDIS Price Guide. All prices are GST inclusive (if applicable) and include the cost of providing the supports.
Responsibilities of the Provider
The provider agrees to:
once agreed, provide supports that meet the participant’s needs at the participant’s preferred times
communicate openly and honestly in a timely manner
treat the participant with courtesy and respect
consult the participant on decisions about how supports are provided
give the participant information about managing any complaints or disagreements and details of the provider’s cancellation policy (if relevant)
listen to the participant’s feedback and resolve problems quickly
give the participant a minimum of 24 hours’ notice if the provider must change a scheduled appointment to provide supports
give the participant the required notice if the provider needs to end the Service Agreement
protect the participant’s privacy and confidential information
provide supports in a manner consistent with all relevant laws, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and rules, and the Australian Consumer Law; keep accurate records on the supports provided to the participant
issue regular invoices and statements of the supports delivered to the participant or Plan Management Service handling payments/invoices
Responsibilities of the Participant/Participant's Representative
The participant/participant’s representative agrees to:
inform the provider about how they wish the supports to be delivered to meet the participant’s needs
treat the provider with courtesy and respect
talk to the provider if the participant has any concerns about the supports being provided
give the provider a minimum of 24 hours’ notice if the participant cannot make a scheduled appointment; and if the notice is not provided by then, the provider’s cancellation policy will apply: That is, less than 24h notice of a session cancellation, or no show will result in the forfeit of the session and incur the full fee.
give the provider 2 weeks’ notice if the participant needs to end the Service Agreement
let the provider know immediately if the participant’s NDIS plan is suspended or replaced by a new NDIS plan or the participant stops being a participant in the NDIS.
The provider will seek payment for provision of supports after delivery. The participant has chosen the below to manage funding for NDIS supports provided under this Service Agreement:
After providing those supports, the provider will send an invoice to the party responsible for payment. The invoice for those supports can be paid by EFT within 7 days of Invoice Issue Date.
Feedback, Complaints and Disputes
If the participant wishes to give the provider feedback, the participant may contact Think Well Hypnotherapy on the details below.
If the participant is not happy with the provision of supports and wishes to discuss or make a complaint, the participant may contact:
Maree Evans - Think Well Hypnotherapy
Phone: 0413 558 160
The participant will be provided with support from a Think Well Hypnotherapy management member. If the participant is not satisfied with the response or does not wish to discuss the matter in the first instance, the participant may contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission by calling 1800 035 544, visiting one of their offices in person, or visiting for further information.
Agreement Signatures
The parties agree to the terms and conditions of this Service Agreement, dated:
Sign for and behalf of
Think Well Hypnotherapy
ABN 34 942 379 914
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